3rd day and 4th day teaching

3rd day teaching
Today Darron have one class in M 3.7 in the morning, but I’m not join his class cause I have something to do. And I have class after lunch in M 1.14 and after that I have M 1.12.
For these two classes, they have same topic to teach. The topic is about Saturday morning. So first I read them a story. And for the practice, I give them task to complete sentences from the story that I have read for them. After that task, I give them task again to write about what they usually do in their Saturday. Because they only have one period, so I ask them to finish it as homework, and they must read it to the class for the next class.

4th day teaching
Today Darron is not coming to school, so he’s not watchs me while I’m teaching. I have two classes today, M 1.14 and M 1.11 after lunch. In M 1.14 the topic is about Saturday morning. It is same topic like my previous class, so I ask them to write about what they do in their Saturday. And in M 1.11 the topic is about describing people. M 1.11 only one period, I give them homework to draw their family and give descriptions in each people. And for the  next meeting I ask them to read it to the class

After the class I’m feeling not really well. Then I decide to go back to my room and sleep. And I hope I’ll feel better tomorrow.


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2nd day

Time to back home

Last weekend in Chiang Rai