Self Report (General Information and Academic Administration)

School profile

The meaning of Chiang Rai Municipality School 6 logo is:
The orange radius around the direction of knowledge and prosperity education. 
King Mengrai the Great means the gratitude of local love and glory to King Mengrai. Genesis King of Chiang Rai Letter 6, 1999, refers to Chiang Rai Municipal School 6, which was established in 1999 under Chiang Rai Municipality.

The vision of this school is Chiang Rai Municipal School 6 is the leading school in the country. We strive to develop our students to be leaders, virtuous, disciplined. 
And with academic excellence.

The mission of Chiang Rai Municipal School 6 is to Encourage and improve the quality of learners. 
Participatory Management 
Promote and develop teacher quality. 
Has loyalty to the monarchy. 
Promote and develop quality education. Encourage and improve the quality of learners. 
Participatory Management 
Promote and develop teacher quality. 
Has loyalty to the monarchy. 
Promote and develop quality education.

Chiang Rai Municipality School 6 was build in 1998. In 1999, there were 2 classroms, 80 students, 8 teacher with Mr. Sunthorn Boonsat as the first headmaster in this school.

Chiang Rai City School 6 is committed to developing students with academic excellence. The vision and identity that the school has set. By studying the curriculum in junior high school. And the high school graduates as follows.
·       SM (Science Math) Program for the Promotion of Science and Mathematics Excellence It is a curriculum that focuses on learning in science and math. To provide students with knowledge in science and math. Can use scientific process. Mathematics in problem solving, including the synthesis of new knowledge.
·       SM Plus (Science Math Plus), a program that promotes excellence in science, mathematics and English. The course is focused on learning activities. To develop students to excellence. Both in science, mathematics and learning English with native speakers. Focus on the practical skills of learning in real-life science labs, in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology, add liberal subjects in science, mathematics and technology to empower learners to discover what. The self-righteous In cooperation with Chiang Mai University. Mae Fah Luang University And Chiang Rai Rajabhat University.
·       EP Plus Program (Intensive English Program) It is a program that enhances the English proficiency of students. For junior high school students Taught by foreign teachers in 5 groups; English, mathematics, science, health and social studies. To provide students with English skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Have students test their knowledge of English through the Chulalongkorn Univercity of English Proficiency Test (CU-TEP).
·       Me Plus (Intensive Science-Mathematics-English) Program It is for high school students. The structure of the study is divided into 2 types.
o  Structure A: The intensive English-math-intensive curriculum, which focuses on teaching activities in English.And math By foreign teachers who are native speakers. It focuses on scientific experiments in the fields of physical, biological, and biological science.
o  Structure B: Intensive English-speaking curriculum with instructional activities in English. And math By foreign teachers who are native speakers.

The lesson plan which my mentor gives to me is quite different with Indonesian lesson plan. The lesson plan is only contains time, stage, teacher activity, student activity, and properties.

Teacher Activity
Student Activity

5 min

·         Draw whiteboard as per diagram
·         Check room layout
·         Worksheets ready to hand out
·         Flash cards ready to hand out
·         Introduction
·         Class to stand and Wai
·         Seat as suitable for class (spaced rows)
·         Stand and Wai
·         Sit  ready for class
·         Whiteboard markers
·         Flashcards
·         Worksheets
·         Student flashcards

8 – 12 min
The purpose of this class is to introduce the ordinal numeral terms for the numerals 1 – 8.
1, 1st, first; 2, 2nd, second etc.

·         Introduce topic title: ‘and now, Ordinal numbers’
·         Link title to numbers
·         M&D numbers 1 – 8  x 3
·         Elicit numbers
·         Respond to phonic errors
·         Link 1 to 1st and first
·         Repeat link for numbers 2 – 8
·         M&D 1st – 8th x3
·         Elicit all numbers
·         Respond to phonic errors
·         Check understanding and respond to errors x 3
·         Review as required
·         Link numerals to race model
·         M&D race model as ordinal numbers
·         Elicit race  positions  from students
·         Fill in ordinal numerals when response correct
·         Review numerals 1 – 8 by M&D x 3
·         Clear introduction to 1st activity: ‘OK, and now for an activity’
·         Link examples to numerals i.e: in the first example , link numeral 1on the flash card  to 1st/first  in ordinal number column
·         Select volunteer to complete secondd example &
·         Visually link example 2 to number 6
·         Wait for class to respond
·         Student to complete example
·         Observe initial introduction
·         Repeat numerals from M&D
·         Repeat ordinal numerals and numbers
·         Look at the race drawing and respond to question
·         Repeat numbers
·         Respond to questioning
·         One student to come to whiteboard when selected
·         Student to complete answer to second whiteboard example
·         Whiteboard markers
·         Example flashcards

12 – 18 min
Worksheets have 8 runners with numbers attached placed in random numerical order. The students are required to fill in the missing ordinal number in written form i.e: number 7 would be written as ‘seventh’ etc.

·         Hand out worksheets to the class
·         Announce ‘time to begin’
·         Once work has begun erase race from whiteboard
·         Walk around and monitor progress
·         Link any errors from worksheet to numbers on the whiteboard
·         Continue to monitor
·         Once most student are half-way through their worksheets erase ordinal numbers from the whiteboard
·         When most of the students have completed their worksheets begin countdown to speed up completion
·         Review answers by eliciting responses to questions from the class
·         Complete activity worksheet
·         Correct errors to worksheet
·         Whiteboard markers
·         Student worksheets
10 – 15 min

Pairs of students are each given a set of flashcards showing the runners seen on the worksheet. In this activity one student will show a flashcard to the other student who will say the number as an ordinal number

·         Introduce flashcard activity
·         Move students into pairs
·         Monitor interaction to ensure correct phonics are being used and the correct answers being elicited
·         Swap students around after approx. 5 minutes
·         Move into pairs (three if uneven number of students)
·         Show flashcard to partner
·         Answer with correct number when shown by partner

·         Flashcards
5 min?
Post- Production
·         Collect flashcards from students
·         If lesson has proceeded quickly and extra time is available return to whiteboard which should now be clear
·         Write a number on the board and elicit response from class
·         Say ‘goodbye’ and thank the class
·         Return to original seating position
·         Whiteboard markers

Pedagogical Contents

In Chiang Rai Municipality School 6 there are SM (Science Math) program and EP (English Program). Mathayom 1.1 to Mathayom 1.10 is SM program, and Mathayom 1.11 to Mathayom 1.14 is EP program. In SM program, almost all subjects is taught by Thai teacher, but only English subject is taught by foreign teacher. It is different with EP program which all subject is taught by foreign teacher.

In Chiang Rai Municipality School 6 they have LS (Learning Support) teacher. The LS have their desk in the back of the class. They are looking care students, homework, connect with student’s parents and also help the teacher in learning process. In the class the LS is help the student when they don’t understand what the teacher have taught. They are really helpful EP program because sometimes students don’t understand with the teacher’s utterance.
Teachers in Chiang Rai Municipality School 6 always use teacher’s guide book and student’s book to teach. In teaching activity teacher also allowed to use power point or another sources from internet. In every class also provides projector and LED to support the learning process.

Teaching Plan


Chiang Rai City School 6 is committed to developing students with academic excellence. The vision and identity that the school has set. By studying the curriculum in junior high school. And the high school graduates as follows.
·       SM (Science Math) Program for the Promotion of Science and Mathematics Excellence It is a curriculum that focuses on learning in science and math. To provide students with knowledge in science and math. Can use scientific process. Mathematics in problem solving, including the synthesis of new knowledge.
·       SM Plus (Science Math Plus), a program that promotes excellence in science, mathematics and English. The course is focused on learning activities. To develop students to excellence. Both in science, mathematics and learning English with native speakers. Focus on the practical skills of learning in real-life science labs, in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology, add liberal subjects in science, mathematics and technology to empower learners to discover what. The self-righteous In cooperation with Chiang Mai University. Mae Fah Luang University And Chiang Rai Rajabhat University.
·       EP Plus Program (Intensive English Program) It is a program that enhances the English proficiency of students. For junior high school students Taught by foreign teachers in 5 groups; English, mathematics, science, health and social studies. To provide students with English skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Have students test their knowledge of English through the Chulalongkorn Univercity of English Proficiency Test (CU-TEP).
·       Me Plus (Intensive Science-Mathematics-English) Program It is for high school students. The structure of the study is divided into 2 types.
o  Structure A: The intensive English-math-intensive curriculum, which focuses on teaching activities in English.And math By foreign teachers who are native speakers. It focuses on scientific experiments in the fields of physical, biological, and biological science.
o  Structure B: Intensive English-speaking curriculum with instructional activities in English. And math By foreign teachers who are native speakers.

Teaching plan

Teacher Activity
Student Activity

5 min

·         Draw whiteboard as per diagram
·         Check room layout
·         Worksheets ready to hand out
·         Flash cards ready to hand out
·         Introduction
·         Class to stand and Wai
·         Seat as suitable for class (spaced rows)
·         Stand and Wai
·         Sit  ready for class
·         Whiteboard markers
·         Flashcards
·         Worksheets
·         Student flashcards

8 – 12 min
The purpose of this class is to introduce the ordinal numeral terms for the numerals 1 – 8.
1, 1st, first; 2, 2nd, second etc.

·         Introduce topic title: ‘and now, Ordinal numbers’
·         Link title to numbers
·         M&D numbers 1 – 8  x 3
·         Elicit numbers
·         Respond to phonic errors
·         Link 1 to 1st and first
·         Repeat link for numbers 2 – 8
·         M&D 1st – 8th x3
·         Elicit all numbers
·         Respond to phonic errors
·         Check understanding and respond to errors x 3
·         Review as required
·         Link numerals to race model
·         M&D race model as ordinal numbers
·         Elicit race  positions  from students
·         Fill in ordinal numerals when response correct
·         Review numerals 1 – 8 by M&D x 3
·         Clear introduction to 1st activity: ‘OK, and now for an activity’
·         Link examples to numerals i.e: in the first example , link numeral 1on the flash card  to 1st/first  in ordinal number column
·         Select volunteer to complete secondd example &
·         Visually link example 2 to number 6
·         Wait for class to respond
·         Student to complete example
·         Observe initial introduction
·         Repeat numerals from M&D
·         Repeat ordinal numerals and numbers
·         Look at the race drawing and respond to question
·         Repeat numbers
·         Respond to questioning
·         One student to come to whiteboard when selected
·         Student to complete answer to second whiteboard example
·         Whiteboard markers
·         Example flashcards

12 – 18 min
Worksheets have 8 runners with numbers attached placed in random numerical order. The students are required to fill in the missing ordinal number in written form i.e: number 7 would be written as ‘seventh’ etc.

·         Hand out worksheets to the class
·         Announce ‘time to begin’
·         Once work has begun erase race from whiteboard
·         Walk around and monitor progress
·         Link any errors from worksheet to numbers on the whiteboard
·         Continue to monitor
·         Once most student are half-way through their worksheets erase ordinal numbers from the whiteboard
·         When most of the students have completed their worksheets begin countdown to speed up completion
·         Review answers by eliciting responses to questions from the class
·         Complete activity worksheet
·         Correct errors to worksheet
·         Whiteboard markers
·         Student worksheets
10 – 15 min

Pairs of students are each given a set of flashcards showing the runners seen on the worksheet. In this activity one student will show a flashcard to the other student who will say the number as an ordinal number

·         Introduce flashcard activity
·         Move students into pairs
·         Monitor interaction to ensure correct phonics are being used and the correct answers being elicited
·         Swap students around after approx. 5 minutes
·         Move into pairs (three if uneven number of students)
·         Show flashcard to partner
·         Answer with correct number when shown by partner

·         Flashcards
5 min?
Post- Production
·         Collect flashcards from students
·         If lesson has proceeded quickly and extra time is available return to whiteboard which should now be clear
·         Write a number on the board and elicit response from class
·         Say ‘goodbye’ and thank the class
·         Return to original seating position
·         Whiteboard markers

The lesson plan in this school is quite simple, it is contains time, stage, teacher activity, student activity, and properties. It is really different with Indonesian lesson plan.

 Observation on Teacher

Every teacher is always prepare lesson plan before teach, but when I ask about the lesson plan to my mentor, he said that he don’t prepare or create it anymore because he always teach everyday and he already know about the teaching step.
Teachers in this school have different way to teach. My mentor always makes the teaching activity fun for students. There is also one teacher which always give free time for students when they finish their task.

Teaching Practice

Procedures of teaching
For my teaching practice, I following the rules that already write in activity schedule. I start to teach in third week. I have 4 classes to teach, Mathayom 1.11 to Mathayom 1,14. The materials for my teaching is from student’s book that my mentor gives to me. Overall I teach for one week and three days.

Time management and organizing activities
In Chiang Rai Municipality School 6, one period is for 50 minutes. In my teaching practice sometimes I can use two periods to deliver one material, but when it is not enough and I must give my students homework for their task, because task is really take time in teaching.

For the first time I teach, I have some problem. My mentor said that I need to speak louder cause some students in the back can’t hear me. My mentor also said that I was too rush when I’m deliver the materials to the students, and he also said that I need to use the white board to make the student focus. But I solve all my problem after I teach for three days.

Classroom management
some of my class is quite good, but I have one class that always mess around and they’re not focus in class. The LS is really help me when the students start to messing around, or when the student don’t understand what I said, the LS is trying to explain with Thai word. The LS is really helpful in my class specially when my mentor do not coming to school.

Summary and Suggestions

From this practicum I have many experiences and the most important is I can improve my teaching skill. I also know about the school system in the other country and what the different with my country.

The challenge of this practicum is the different language that we use and sometimes the accent is make it hard to understand. It is also excited when I can solve the problem that I have when I’m teach, such nervous, too rush in teaching, and need to louder, and another.


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